Autonomous System Integration with Emphasis on Perception and SLAM


In the dynamic landscape of autonomous mobility, the convergence of cutting-edge technologies has birthed a transformative project that embodies the essence of innovation. During my tenure as an intern at Continental, I embarked on a remarkable journey dedicated to the realization of an autonomous system. This visionary project entailed the seamless orchestration of perception, planning, and control to redefine the boundaries of vehicular autonomy. My distinctive role in this endeavor was centered around amplifying the capabilities of the perception system, with a pronounced focus on the intricate domain of Simultaneously Localization and Mapping (SLAM). This portfolio unveils the narrative of how I contributed to shaping this paradigm-shifting integration that paves the way for a new era of driving.

Project Description

In the realm of autonomous mobility, innovation emerges from the harmonious symphony of sensor technologies. During my internship at Continental, I played a vital role in a transformative project that encompassed the fusion of multi-modal perception for autonomous vehicles. My expertise was centered around advancing Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (VSLAM), which formed a cornerstone within this multi-modal architecture. By optimizing the visual SLAM component, I contributed to precise vehicle localization and environmental mapping.

Yet, my engagement wasn’t confined to SLAM development alone. I had the privilege of expanding my impact by spearheading the testing and benchmarking of various perception techniques. My efforts spanned from direct localization and Kalman filter algorithms to visual inertial odometry and SLAM. In pursuit of excellence, I crafted a benchmarking module fortified with an array of metrics and visualizations. This module not only illuminated the strengths and limitations of each technique but also facilitated the informed selection of the optimal perception strategy for specific scenarios.

As this fortfilio narrative unfolds, it encapsulates not only the intricacies of the SLAM development within multi-modal perception but also my contributions to elevating the testing and benchmarking processes – an endeavor that empowered autonomous systems with data-driven decision-making.

My Contributions

During my tenure as an intern at Continental, my role encompassed a spectrum of impactful contributions that propelled out pursuit of refining multi-modal perception and benchmarking methodologies for autonomous systems. Here are the key highlights for my journey:

Mastery of ROS2 and Extended Kalman Filter

In my quest for technical fluency, I embarked by reproducing the Extended Kalman Filter for wheel encoders – a foundational step that allowed me to acclimate to the ROS2 environment. This endeavor not only honed my proficiency in ROS2 but also provided me with a robust foundation for the endeavors that lay ahead.

Synchronization of Input Streams for 3D Point Cloud Generation

Recognizing the pivotal role of synchronization in perception accuracy, I implemented a critical feature – the synchronization of depth and RGB image inputs. This synchronization was essential for generating accurate 3D point clouds, ensuring the harmonious fusion of multi-modal data. My efforts eradicated the potential failure arising from differing input frequency, a pivotal stride toward seamless multi-modal perception.

Development of Robust Benchmarking Module

One of my significant achievements was the creation of a comprehensive benchmarking module, a compass that guided our assessment of perception techniques. This module comprised two pivotal components – visualization and evaluation. In the visualization realm, I harnessed the power of ROS topics, ROS bags, and CSV files to produce the trajectory plots that facilitated direct comparisons. To overcome the challenge of disparate trajectory characteristics, I employed the Kabsch algorithm, aligning trajectories to enhance comparability. The evaluation facet of the module encompassed an array of critical metrics – absolute and relative error, translation and rotation error, time versus error, and an especially essential parameter, speed versus error. This array of metrics furnished our team with a panoramic view of performance and guided further optimization strategies.

Integration of RTABmap for Enhanced Comparisons

Expanding the scope of our endeavors, I embarked on the integration of the RTABmap SLAM architecture into our system – a feat that enriched our comparative analysis. This integration broadened the landscape of our insights, providing our team with valuable data for ongoing development and optimization.

In summary, my contributions encompassed an array of technical feats that harmonized multi-modal perception, benchmarking, and integration – crucial elements that empowered our team with the insights necessary to drive the future of autonomous systems.

Challenges and Learning

Within the intricate tapestry of my internship at Continental, I encountered an array of challenges that forged my technical prowess and shaped my understanding of collaborative engineering. These challenges are not mere stumbling block; they are stepping stones that propelled my growth and honed my abilities.

Elevated Technical Mastery

Navigating the intricacies of autonomous system development was formidable endeavor, demanding the refinement of coding skills to sculpt solutions that seamlessly integrated with existing infrastructure. This journey not only solidified my coding acumen but also afforded me an unparalleled opportunity to delve into the industrial code standards. The drive for immaculate code readability and adherence to standards became second nature, ensuring that my contributions were not only innovative but also harmoniously aligned with industry best practices.

The Nexus of Teamwork and Maintenance

Within the collaborative environment, I discovered the true essence of teamwork. As I worked in synergy with colleagues across disciplines, I unearthed the significance of clear communication, shared objectives, and collective problem-solving. My experiences taught me that the heart of successful engineering endeavors lies in the harmony of diverse perspectives, each contributing a unique brushstroke to the grand canvas of innovation.

Deeper Industry Insights

Immersed in the orchestration of autonomous systems, I gained a newfound appreciation for the importance of maintaince and sustainability. The preservation of a system’s integrity over time became a focal point, catalyzing my exploration of techniques to ensure the system’s longevity while embracing the rapidly evolving landscape of technology.

Impact and Results

My contributions within this project reverberated as ripples across the waters of autonomous mobility. By enhancing perception accuracy, bolstering benchmarking strategies, and infusing our development with empirical insights, I take pride in knowing that I’ve contributed not only to the development of cutting-edge technology but also to the safety, innovation, and informed decision-making that will define the autonomous future.

Personal Growth

As I navigated the intricate landscape of autonomous systems, my growth extended beyond mere technical proficiency. The challenges I faced, from mastering intricate coding standards to harmonizing multi-modal perception, were catalysts for an evolution that encompassed the refinement of communication, the art of collaboration, and the resilience of problem-solving. This experience forged a holistic transformation, nurturing not only my technical prowess but also cultivating the mindset of a forward-thinking engineer who thrives on innovation, embraces diversity, and values the enduring elegance of sustainable solutions.


Through my internship at Continental, I delved into the dynamic world of autonomous systems and multi-modal perception, leaving an indelible mark on both my technical expertise and personal growth. Navigating challenges such as Visual SLAM development and intricate benchmarking methodologies, I not only contributed to technological advancement but also honed skills in teamwork, problem-solving, and effective communication. This journey revealed that innovation thrives on collaboration and extends beyond lines of code to embrace maintenance and adaptability. As I step forward, I carry with me a comprehensive toolkit, enriched not only with technical skills but also a holistic engineer’s mindset—one that thrives on complexity, champions collaboration, and embraces challenges as catalysts for growth. With gratitude for this transformative chapter, I embrace the boundless opportunities that lie ahead, driven by innovation, powered by collaboration, and guided by the relentless pursuit of knowledge.