About me

πŸ‘‹ Greetings,

I’m a Year 4 Computer Engineering undergraduate at NTU, embarking on a dynamic journey that merges technology with imagination. My passion lies at the intersection of AI and robotics, where I’m on a mission to unveil the boundless possibilities they offer.

πŸ” Currently, I’m immersed in the realm of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) for my Final Year Project. My focus? Unraveling the enigma of visual place recognition (VPR) – a pivotal component in the intricate dance of loop closure detection within SLAM. And I’m not stopping there – I’m harnessing the power of deep learning techniques to elevate the realms of perception and accuracy.

πŸš— With a penchant for autonomous driving, I find myself spellbound by perception systems. The challenge of enabling machines to truly understand and navigate their surroundings is where my intrigue thrives.

🀝 I extend an invitation to you – fellow enthusiasts and curious minds – to join me on this voyage. Let’s explore, discuss, and collaborate as we dive deep into the uncharted waters of AI, robotics, and the transformative potential they hold.